Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Haast's Eagle by Jack

This is Jack's outstanding speech on the Haast's Eagle. It is fascinating! Good on you Jack.


Justin Neal said...

Jack, you did well, is there any chance of extracting dna and bringing them back. Mr Neal

Anonymous said...

That was awesome!!!!

The Huxfords said...

Great speech Jack, a bird species I never new existed! Hmm I wonder if there is any history on tree goblins & piano playing dogs.

Anonymous said...

Jack, you are a brilliant story teller - first I've heard of the Haast's Eagle . . . Emma

Anonymous said...

It is great to learn so much about the Haast's eagle Jack - I love the way you have incorporated sound effects and visuals in this post too. Kylie

Nige said...

Well done Jack. You've obviously done lots of research and learned your subject well. But most impressive for me is that you've learned your speech and managed to present it very professionally with only occasional reference to your notes. Keep up the good work.
Mr Brown

Nige said...

Well done Jack. You've obviously done lots of research and learned your subject well. But most impressive for me is that you've learned your speech and managed to present it very professionally with only occasional reference to your notes. Keep up the good work.
Mr Brown

Oceanrose xo said...

Hi Jack your speach is Awsome i think you should have gone to the speach comp!!!!

Anonymous said...

Good on you Jack! You have obviously done your research on your topic. Your facts are clear and concise. A sterling effort and I'm sure your school is very proud of you! I am assuming your classmates are equally as conscientious as you. Well done Mahana School!!

Anonymous said...

Awesome job Jack - we are very proud of all the great work you put into this speech. You rock!

Anonymous said...

Wow. What a very interesting speech. Lots of research and practice has been put into it. Well done!!!


Sarah Pumphrey said...

Thanks Jack, great speech, really interesting.

Corru Gate Cottage said...

Great speech Jack. Have you been to one of the caves locally which hs Haasts eagle bones in it? I was lucky to lead a group of students to a cave in 1994 near Flora where we discovered the bones of the eagle - as well as many other extinct birds. It was the largest discovery in over 30 years!
Well done! Roger (Briar's Dad)

Whaea Jane said...

Outstanding work Jack!

Anonymous said...

Really interesting stuff Jack - I learnt something from you. Enjoyed the joke at the end:)

Anonymous said...

great speech jack you presented it well bad luck you didn't get to go to the speech comp: Josh

Anonymous said...

Good job Jack. Thanks for bringing
your fascinating subject to life for us. Steve Bosecke (from Melbourne, Australia)

Anonymous said...


Kotuku Room said...

What a bonus to have such an expert in our school.
Do you think great writers like Tolkein researched animals before creating characters? The Eagle who rescued Gandalf may have been based on the Haast Eagle.
Great research and presentation skills Jack. Well done!
PS- have you considered linking your speech to Forest and Birds website for some expert feedback?

Anonymous said...

Cassie & I just listened to your speech. What an amazing bird it was and to eat Moa, impressive! Mrs S

Anonymous said...

Very Interesting