Friday, August 20, 2010

The Power Of One

Briar, Izzie, and Georgia have been reading 'The Power of One' by Bryce Courtenay.
The book is about a young boy called Peekay who wishes to be the Welterweight Champion Boxer. Peekay is English and faces a hard childhood in South Africa. He starts of at a boarding school full of Dutch children and grows up to care for everyone. Peekay makes many friends during his challenging years, and learns that life is about everyone being happy and in on it together. This is the power of one.
Our opinion on this book: We like 'The Power Of One' because it challenged us enough to make the book interesting, but didn't bore us to death either! It also has many very stong morals we should all remember in life.
We recommend this book to 12 and over because it has some bad language and violence.
**** star rating.

1 comment:

Whaea Jane said...

Nice one girls!! Good review, and I plan to read this book again in the hols. Tis always interesting to get a different perspective on life by looking at the lives of others.